Welcome to Dan's Ultimate Street Fighter Page! Dan is one of those guys who dress up like Ryu and Ken in Capcom's most overmilked video game franchises, Street Fighter, except Dan is what REAL Street Fighting is all about!
To navigate through Dan's Ultimate Street Fighter Page, click on one of the links below:
CHAPTER 1: Dan's
Special Moves
to Beat Other Characters With Dan
CHAPTER 3: Dan Hibiki's Perfect MvC2 Guide
Hibiki Links
Dan's Special Moves
(Proof that down, toward
punch is not a valid strategy)
Behold DAN in action! Dan's the kind
of man who rushes toward you with an undefeatable offensive barrage! Notice
the expression on the opponent's face as Dan mercilessly kicks toward her!
That's because Dan in the right hands is stronger than 10,000,000,000,000
Special Moves:
Gadouken (quarter-circle
from down to toward, punch)
Strategy: Don't let anyone tell you different... the gadouken is easily the strongest move ever made in a video game. It is so strong that most other Street Fighters will run away just to escape the Gadouken's mighty sting!!! In the right hands it will beat The Incredible Hulk's Gamma Blast attack. If used correctly it will even paralyze characters like Chun-Li, Cammy, and Sakura, hypnotizing them into Dan's personal sex slaves!!!
Gale Kick (quarter-circle
from down to back, kick)
Strategy: Akuma, Ken, and Ryu's lousy kick attack makes them look like friggin' ballerina helicopters. But Dan's Gale Kick is a real kickin' technique that demands respect!!! Use this move to counter anything... hurricane kicks, dragon punches, mad Magneto rushdowns... heck... use it to counter any attack someone throws at you, whether it's a super or pathetic verbal abuse!
Taunt (pressing start after
just about every conceivable combination)
Strategy: First of all, a serious moment here. Contrary to what you've heard from schools of Ryu or Ken, The Taunt can not be used to block beam supers. You will hurt yourself. Brutally. Now, taunts must be used to greatly anger the opponent! Once angered, most opponents will be open to the kind of brutal abuse that only Dan can create. Also, remember that taunts increase your spirit, and is the perfect precursor to any Super.
How to Beat Other Characters
With Dan
(a.k.a. Kicking snot
out of the opponent)
So, let's tell you all about how to beat the other Street Fighters with Dan.
Question: How do
you Beat Ryu? Dan: "Gadouken, baby! There's only two things that poopoo
head knows how to do. He shoots fireballs and he dragon punches. If he
tries to fire his hadoken, Gadouken it. If he tries to Uppercut you, Gadouken
him! Heck, if he tries his Shinkuu Hadoken or whatever they call it, gadouken
that and really piss him off! Don't even bother with your other moves!
Don't even jab the guy! This guy doesn't even know real fighting, and he
doesn't deserve the swift butt-kicking only Dan can deliver!!"
Question: How do
you Beat Ken? Dan: "That guy's even more of a pansy than his cohort! You
should gadouken him too! Let's see pretty do his shoryu reppa after you
alpha counter his sorry butt and slap him with an American Pie!"
Question: What about
Spiderman and Wolverine? Dan: "You didn't train a billion years in the
school of Dan to lose against a couple of comic books, right? And when
it comes to speed Wolverine and Spiderman are as raw as they get... well,
you can run but you can't hide from Dan! Spiderman's Maximum Spider and
Wolverine's Beserker Barrage X may be fast, but don't you remember just
how fast the devastating Gale Kick can be? Oh, man! If Spidey even tries
to stick it in your face with his web wads, you probably have enough time
to dodge it and Gale Kick him in the kneecaps!"
Dan, Chun-Li is pretty hard! Is there some cheesy pattern you can exploit
to defeat Chun-Li? Dan: "First of all, Dan is an equal opportunity employer.
Regardless of gender, if anybody wants a whupping Dan style, then they
can get it! Second, Dan doesn't need cheap patterns to win a match, but
Chun Li is actually a good and respectable fighter compared to the snots
shown above. My best advice to you is to do your best... if you're top
notch Dan material, you should KO Chun-Li everytime. If not, well, run
a one-on-one match against a pansy like Ken and cheer yourself up!"
What about a DAN vs. DAN match? Dan: "What the?--- fellow Dans should never
fight each other. If such an event occurs, both Dans must obligatorily
repeat Super Taunts until the round ends in a draw! The idea of such great
fighters wasting their time beating on each other instead of stomping on
wanna-bes like Cyber Akuma and the Incredible Hulk is preposterous!"
Dan Hibiki's Perfect MvC2 Guide
(56 characters... but there can only be ONE Dan Hibiki)
In the later Street Fighter games (Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and Capcom vs. SNK 2), Capcom gives gamers the opportunity to form teams of characters, instead of sticking to one character. This is all fine and dandy, except everybody knows that Dan is the man above all wanna-be fighters!!
(Here's a mega-pro tip. In Capcom vs. SNK 2, all you have to do is pick RATIO 4 Dan. What was Capcom thinking? Giving Dan four times the normal strength of Dan? That's like creating an entirely new tier of character above the top tier of Street Fighters... yes, they should call that tier the DAN TIER! Oh well, in due time...)
Dan Hibiki Links
(Dan's glory has spread
across the Internet like war paint)
Congratulations! You should now know all that you need to be a master in the art of Dan. As a reward, here a list of other supreme Dan Hibiki sites, many of which include the graphics that were used in this splendiferous site. Dan encourages you to visit them all and maximize your fighting potential!
www.saikyo.com (the absolute best Dan Hibiki site on the Internet)
(the absolute best place to talk about Street Fighter games)
September 23, 1999) |