George the Green M&M's (Stephen P. Dragoo's) Home Page

El hogar de Stephen P. Dragoo, el Caballero Generoso

"Live long and prosper."

This page will probably always have some construction (just like Columbus, Ohio).

Visitors since counter was added (added on 3/17/2000).

If I ever remember how to do multi-lingual characters, I may provide some Spanish excerpts - or not. I spent 22 months in Spain as a missionary back in 1991-93, and I've always felt a little bit like I found a second home. Silly, I know, but the place really grew on me.

Currently, I have many different projects going, so I cannot promise any release times for any of them. My wife and I will celebrate our 3rd anniversary this year; I know I'm happy about it, and I hope she is too.

As usual, most of my projects have had to be moved to the back burner. Currently, my wife and I are developing a web page providing basic information on how to start and maintain a food storage program for your family. One of the major tenats of our religion is preparing and planning for the future, and one of the areas our leaders have counseled us to do this in is preparation for emergency situations. The site is located here on We are hoping to have everything up and running by March 19th -- only 2 days from now, but we've made quite a bit of progress already.

These are the pages you can find here on my website:

Bookstore -- my page for the Associates program. On this page, you will eventually be able to access the main website, search their database for a particular title, and view some of my favorite books (currently, only the main website link is active).

Personal Stuff -- my personal information (for any of those who really need to see it...)

The Laugh Track -- my collection of jokes...

RPG's on the Attack! -- the index page for my RPG materials.

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This page last updated 7/3/00 (joke page updated with new jokes, and all jokes and the joke index moved to a new subdirectory).

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