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Welcome to my crude young home page.

My name's Sean Givan. I'm a Computer Science student at the University of New Brunswick, about to graduate after just one more term. My interests are in computer hobbying and programming, dramatic arts, and reading; ever since I discovered the Internet three years ago, I've been involved in many more things, too. :)

Being an Active Fan..

With the interests I have - video games, anime, computer programming and hobbying of all kinds - it's hard not to want to get involved and add something to the hobby's scope-at-large. A lot of people on the Internet do: you know them - they manage a dozen FAQs, or write enormous fanfictions on almost a monthly basis, and seem to have a finger in almost every newsgroup you visit. Well, I'm not quite so prolific - but I'd sure like to be. It's about this kind of active fandom to which my homepage is dedicated. I also have my own humble contibutions..

The Dream Tournaments of RGVA

The Future Sailor Cabinet

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