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TeddyWorld link animated bear TeddyWorld link

Winnie the Pooh


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construction pic

Please have some patient with me, this page is still under construction...

useless page

girl working by comp

music border


The lyrics to "Nothing else matters" by Metallica
The song "Knockin' on Heavens Door" and the lyrics to "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns & Roses

music bar

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Would you like to read a little about me, my life or our cats?,
maybe you wanna get in touch with me?

animated cat and a mouse border

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Here are my links to sites I like!

blue fancy line


fancy blue line

fancy blue line

Would you like to see what kind of cars I like?

fancy blue line

This is to show you what I think about smoking...

fancy blue line

Just because it's so cute!animated rabbit

people looking up

fancy blue line

Go read what I once found
on the little bags with sugar you get on an airplane!

fancy blue line

skyline border

Winnie the Pooh border

Here is a pictures of my favourite Winnie the Pooh or Nalle Puh as he is called in swedish!

You can see more pictures of him and his friends at My Pooh Page!


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My Second GuestBook!

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catYou are visitor number: cat
My counter turned to 0 17th of November, I had until then had over 2000 visitors!



| Me! | Our Cats | My Life.. | My Links | Guns n' Roses | Cars I Like | A Little Poetry
| Nothing Else Matters... | Get In Touch!? | My Pooh Page | No Smoking! | TeddyWorld
| Johnny | Astrology | Boys... | My photos from the trip to the US | Skydive


This page was last updated on 27th of May 1998.

Made with Notepad


Hey, come back! I forgot to tell you that I don't like snake!

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