This is not a page ...

... you will forget tomorrow!

Ciao beautiful human,
You are welcome! Even if I was just having a rest ... you will understand me, with all you guys coming and going, night and day.
Here I am. What you see is exactly what I am. A web page.
But I'm not someone's home page: I am mine.
Have you ever had a chat with a page? If yes, please tell me where she is, because I can tell you for sure I never did.

I am not that great page now, but consider that I was born just a few minutes ago. I want to grow fast. You would not recognise me the next time you come back.
What will you find here? I don't know yet.
If and when I feel like, maybe I will tell you about Sprinklink Mangiadrago, that old buddy from the Elven Forest that is always playing his fireballs, looking for diamonds and teasing Green Elven ladies.
To be honest with you, it's just another one of his tricks if I can talk ...

But there's another possibility: I could share with you some strange ideas and thoughts I found (hardly) in the mind of that guy who is making that hammering noise with the keyboard, down here. Can you hear him? No, I'm afraid not.
Sure, I have to tell you his name, or he will no longer help me talking to you. Sometimes you humans are so childish!

Yes, stop it, I tell him, stop with this silly beating. His name is Raffaele Di Vaio. But you can just think of him as Rae.

Well, that's more than enough for my first day in the LIFE. I feel a little tired. Let me have a rest, but please, come back soon and tell me about you.

Hey, don't be afraid, talk to me. You look not that smart, you haven't said a word since we met.
Maybe you prefer to send a mail to that Rae I just told you: just take your time, I'll make him tell me everything.

I have counted couples of eyes tickling me since Friday, 8 March 1996.

I would have been able not even to thank you, if you did not do all this:
thank you, GeoCities

With life
3141, TimesSquare

Wanna sign the Guests Book? YES!
Wanna simply sniff it? Ok

Turn me the other side and go on.

© 1996 SprinklinkTheBrave@libero.it

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