The Interactive Maze

Have a try at my Interactive Maze and find the exit. This is my first attempt of interactivity before my BIG project. For now, that project is still top secret, but might be unveiled soon...
This maze game is based on ImageMapping system. So, you must have Netscape version 2 or later (or a browser that accepts imapgemaps) to run it.
To play:
at every window, you have a maximum of 4 choices: frontwards (by clicking towards the wall in front), backwards (the bottom of the window), left (left part of the window) & right (right part of the window). Note: the player is always looking forward, never behind him.
For now, this is my beta version. Very soon, i'll be upgrading it with secret passages and messages. Try having another look soon !!
If you are really lost (if it's possible :-) ), you can have a look at a map by clicking on the word 'map' on the bottom of the screen. And to come back at the beginning of the maze, click on 'beginning'. Well, that should be all. Good luck and enjoy yourself !!

If you have any comments or suggestions, contact me!
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