Eric's 3D Games Page is a collection of links to some of the best Quake / Doom / Doom 2 / Hexen stuff on the 'Net. Enjoy!
I am currently working on moving this site to a new location, http://rechlin.ml.org/games, so this site won't be updated very often. Please bookmark the new site, not this one.
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Doom95 Final Release: Doom for Windows 95 with SVGA graphics and directional sound effects. Comes with shareware WAD and DirectX; copy to Doom2 or Ultimate Doom folder to run those games. 4.4 MB
DEU / DEU2 / Win95 DEU - The most powerful Doom level editor
New Wad Tools (NWT) - Replace and add grfx/sfx/music/etc. in PWADs.
DoomTools - Combine PWADs and convert sound files to PWADs.
Doom Conversion Utility Convert between Doom, Doom 2, and Heretic PWADs.
DeHacked - All you need for hacking into the Doom.EXE file.
Doom Shareware 1.9 - First episode of the game this page is all about.
DETH 3.92 / HETH 1.92 - Level editor for Hexen and Doom, based on DEU.
Hints and Cheats
Doom FAQ v6.666 - This comes with Doom, but it's here if you don't have it.
Quick Cheats - for 3D games, including Quake, Doom, Hexen, Duke3D, ROTT, Fury3, Descent.
Doom Specs
Marine Doom - This is a Doom 2 addon from the USMC for military training.
Aliens Doom WADs - Cool Aliens Doom PWADs (Check out Aliens TC Doom A, B).
Other Doom Links
Distorted Incorporated: A small page of Doom links (has other good stuff, too)
The Electic Pancake for Doom2, Warcraft2, Descent, Hexen
the Mecca: Great site for Duke 3D and Quake stuff, also has Doom and Warcraft material
id Software: the creators of Doom and Quake
DoomGate: Doom and Quake information
Eric's Quake Page: Download Quake 1.06 Here!!!
My QuakeWorld Page: Download QuakeWorld 1.64 Here!!!
Quake Addons (includes QuakeC)
Scitech Display Doctor 5.3a: Previously called UniVBE, this allows many more video modes in Quake (1.6 MB)
ftp.cdrom.com's Quake FTP downloads
Hints, Cheats, and Information
Updated (2-19) Quake Command Summary
Quake MiniFAQ (out of date)
QuakeTalk 400 (out of date)
id's latest finger info
Old (52KB!) id Quake finger info on Quake
Quake FAQ 2.0 (unofficial)
Other Quake Links
id's screenshots- QuakePix, QPix, Level Editor
Stomped: a cool Quake page (has Quake hints, servers, addons, and frame rate list)
id Software: the creators of Quake
Blue's News: the latest Quake information
Redwood's Quake Page: Similar to Blue's News
Duke Nukem 3D
Download Duke Nukem 3D here - 5.8MB or A, B, C, D, E (each fits on a floppy disk)
Duke Nukem 1.3 Patch - 1.2 MB
Scitech Display Doctor 5.3a: Previously called UniVBE, this speeds up Duke Nukem 3D (1.6 MB)
Hints, Cheats, and Information
Duke Nukem 3D Cheat Codes
Map Editing FAQ v1.2 by Brett Gmoser / Jonah Bishop
Other Duke Nukem 3D Links
Official Duke Nukem 3D Page
My Duke Nukem 3D Page (pathetic and under construction)
the Mecca Duke3D Page
Other Games
(Heretic, Hexen, and Strife)
Hexen Shareware - Four level demo of Hexen. Split: File 1, File 2, File 3, File 4.
Heretic Shareware 1.2 - First episode of Hexen's predecessor - Heretic.
Strife: an RPG based on the Doom engine: 4MB .zip
Rise of the Triad 1.3: 3.8 MB one episode demo
Wolfenstein 3D 1.4: 10 level demo of the game that started it all!!
Hints and Cheats
Hexen Specs
Cheat page: Many, many, many, many, many cheats
FTP Downloads
Heretic WADs - ftp.cdrom.com
Hexen WADs - ftp.cdrom.com
Strife WADs - ftp.cdrom.com
Other Links
Raven Software (for Hexen)
The Realm: I know it's not 3D, but it's such a cool online game I thought I'd include it here
Diablo, another cool online/single player game. Also: Diablo's Lair and Draven's Diablo Page
Lord Soth's Games on the Internet: Cheats and walkthroughs for most games
Tellus 3D Gamespage: Lots of information on Quake, Duke3D, Prey, Blood, Unreal, and more
Ion Storm: the company that John Romero and others left to start
Alex and Collin's FFVII Page: Information on Final Fantasy 7 by a couple friends of mine
X-Treme Hexen Info page: Hints, downloads, and more
Unofficial Quake on Mplayer Site: Information on running Quake with Mplayer
Cheats for Blood, Duke3D, Descent, Redneck Rampage, and more
If you want a link to your Doom/Doom2/Hexen/Heretic/Quake/Duke3D, etc. page from here, E-Mail me.
Keywords: Doom, Doom 2, Doom2, Doom II, Heretic, Hexen, Rise of the Triad, ROTT, Duke Nukem 3D, id, Apogee, 3D Realms, Cheat Codes, Eric Rechlin, Mechwarrior 2, Fury3, Descent, Doom, Doom 2, DEU, NWT, Quake, Quake, QuakeTalk, Quake Test1, Doom95, Strife
Eric's 3D Games Page is maintained by Eric Rechlin.
This page, and all other web pages, is best viewed with MS Internet Explorer 3.0
Comments? Advice? Questions? E-mail me at Rechlin@BTIGate.com.
Last updated September 14, 1997
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