Michael Mott's Home Page
Tradewars 2002 telnet sites and Warcraft 2 Pages and Puds
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times since February 1, 1998.
Weclome, Hola, Guten tag, to my Web Page.
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On to Trade Wars 2002
Many people have played Trade Wars 2002. It is a game in which you trade,
build planets, and conquer space. Some of my links are to places you can
telnet to to play Trade Wars. (Not for free though!:-() Finally, to read
my introduction to trade wars, Click Here!
The Battleground!
Now I have some WARCRAFT 2 stuff... Check out My War2 Page!
I loaded a Chat room Check it out!
Scheduled chat times: 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM Standard Pacific Time
Chat topic: Console Games (Nintendo 64) etc.
Links to other sites on the Web
Masterpiece BBS (TradeWars)
Prostar BBS (Tradewars)
Zildjian Percussion Home Page
High Velocity Software
TradeWars Reference Room
Search Engine
Banner Creation Service
Is anyone online here into drumming? If so E-mail me and we can
talk about it! I am a 5th year drummer in the Symphonic band and Jazz
Band at Thomas Jefferson High School in Auburn, Washington. You can share ideas,
and more. Remember, just E-mail me.
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