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ballGuardian's Home Pageball
ballUnder Constructionball
last edited 19th November '98

Hi! Welcome to my home page! To learn more about me, my likes, interests, appearance and similar things, please follow this link.

I've devoted these pages to three of my favorite hobbies, the Magic: The Gathering collectable card game, Shadowrun, a role playing game growing in renoun almost daily, it seems. Thirdly, Total Annihilation, which is a great computer game similar to Command & Conquer and Warcraft. Others may be added later, but first I'll get these up and running.


[MTG Logo]

Magic: The Gathering is one of many things I occupy my time with. By clicking the logo link, you'll find information about decks I've constructed, rules questions that have been asked, house rules regarding multiplayer games my friends and I have come up with, and details on how my personal collection is going.


[SR Logo]

Shadowrun is another of the many things I occupy my time with. By clicking the logo link, you'll find information about my favorite characters, discourses on various aspects of the game, and additions to the NERPS guide to the world in the 2050s and 60s.


[TA Logo]

Shadowrun is another of the many things I occupy my time with. By clicking the logo link, you'll find information about my favorite characters, discourses on various aspects of the game, and additions to the NERPS gudie to the world in the 2050s.

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