Welcome to Algo!!!
Welcome travelers of Algo! I am your guide,
Wren. Before we proceed, I must know the extent of your capabilities... This will effect
how we proceed in the future...
Last Updated : 12/23/97 (please read the updates below!)
Follow me this way if your capabilites include frames...
If you do not have frame capabilities, come with me this direction...
Updates are as follows: Sorry everyone for the lack of updates in the last 2 months. As I said before, the frequency of me updating this site was dependant on how much work my teachers gave me at school -- they gave me a lot. ^_^ I've updated some dead links, added a MIDI of my own making (It's a remix that I made 2 months ago but never got around to posting) and did various site maintainence. I'm in the process of adding a few FAQs and such, as well. I'm once again beginning to implement my big section to the site -- which was previously delayed by school. Thanks for being patient while I plod through the updates. ^_^ Also, I added a really awesome RealAudio song to the music page! It's a recording of a rare Japanese PS CD! Check it out! -Jayde
Web design by Page copyright 1997 Evan Michaels/Jayde Stargunner