Some of the humour on this page could be seen as offensive. If you are the offendable type, please click here,
and be redeployed to a more suitable site.
My life story: I lived in Hong Kong until age six. Came to Australia then, and basically lived here ever since. I won't write any more because these things bore the crap out of me when other people write them.
"WINDOWS 95: n: 32 bit extensions and a graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit operating system originally coded for a 4 bit microprocessor, written by a 2 bit company that can't stand 1 bit of competition."
-anonymous Macintosh user.
I got some jokes as well. They should be up soon.
To see a guys head blow up (why wouldn't you want to?) click right here.
My Divinity page - not much there now but more on the way. Divinity and Divine Right are the scenario generation and gameplay engines used with the Fantasoft game Realmz.
I found some quotes from Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the creators of South Park, which seemed interesting. You be the judge.
Duckman on the net : an index of over 70 Duckman sites.
Some links you will wonder how you ever did without.
E Mail me if you want. 'Nuff said.
© 1995
New Hot Feature : A Guestbook! Some sick kid in some hospital somewhere has a last dying wish that loads and loads of people all sign my guestbook. So make little Penfold very happy and sign it. God bless you.
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people have entered this realm since 24/3/1998. Some have even returned.
Disclaimer : This is a disclaiming thingy. I am disclaimed. Don't sue me because I wouldn't like it.
Erratum : The maintainer of this page regrets that no responsibility can be taken for any hallucinations, delusionary behaviour or manic depression experianced while viewing this page. You can't prove nuthin.
Inevitably, in the creation of a document such as this, a few small mistakes involving grammer and continuity are bound to appear. In the interests of ensuring clarity, the following corrections should be noted.
No part of this page was intended to imply that either Barbara Streisand or Pauline Hanson are practicing Satan worshippers.
Paragraph 7 will only make sense with the added phrase "Rubbing Creme Broulet over your entire body should only be practiced where the animal involved is not lactose intolerant."
Line 33 should be read as shown and should definately NOT be amended to "Holding the mouse in the vise, proceed to lightly apply pressure until the cranuim splits. Then inject nuclear waste."
We apologise for any inconvenience which these unfortunate errors may have caused.
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