Welcome to my homepage! I've
been updating it somewhat lately, Came across some neat graphics
which I've added, and some nice new fonts (well, I think they're
nice). You might say this page is under construction while I look
at what all I have here and fix things up, always adding where I
can, always improving. Many of the really nice animated graphics
came from an untitled webpage which despite lack of title has probably the best
collection of animated graphics. There were other sources for
graphics, and they will be listed elsewhere within this page,
including credits to the artist if I know who it is.

Carrion Fields Page 
- My main hobby by far is
mudding. Not that I hop from mud to mud. I've visited a
few, but only a few. A friend of mine introduced me to
Carrion Fields and told me it was the very best mud out
there. When I got internet access, I went to Carrion
Fields and made it my home away from home. That was, oh,
summer of 1995.

- Dark
Mists Page

- As of summer of 1996 I
began working on a project with a few other people who
were regulars in Carrion Fields. The project was a new
mud similar to, but not exactly the same as, Carrion
Fields. The project is Dark Mists, and it's a working mud
now (officially opened 21 October 1996 just after
midnight) Formerly on the nolta machine at
mudservices.com, we moved the mud to another machine just
as the nolta machine died on 19 September 1997.
To see it,

MUDMage version 5
>>>>>>> Features <<<<<<<
- Fast ANSI support
- Fully configurable
- ANSI palette modification
- Uses 32-bit processing
- Registered user support
- Internal MUD note editor
- Internal keyword database
- Global toggles
- Numeric keypad movement/commands
- Configuration import/export
- Multimedia interaction
- Easy uninterrupted scrollback
- Hotkeys (instant, insertion, etc)
- Triggers (action, color, timer, etc)
- Aliases/Variables
- Automap (save text and graphics)
- Commandline control
- Command tracking
- Logging
- Optional letter wrapping
- No nasty shareware tricks
- Free updates to registered users
Mud Mage page which the author himself put together with information about this MUD client
Mud Mage version 5 Newest version, shareware. Download it here.

sax and violins 
The animated purple
unicorn is by Lynn Gross. I found it in a few places. The original is
most likely from Badger's Animated Gif Gallery which has a lot of really nice
animated art for web pages. A few of the animated graphics found
in here are from Badger's.
This is what I like to look at when I start up my computer.
It was drawn through computer graphics with a
program called Bryce2 by Miroslav Plancak (Mirre). Other wonderful things he's drawn can be found at Mirre's Bryce2 Webpage.
Weather Map
I tend to check the weather a lot, especially when I hear

Send comments/suggestions to kye@icsi.net.
Go to the Times Square GeoCities