Von Halabuk Family Travels in Europe

Hello, we were living (and working) in Zürich Switzerland for a year and a half.

 These pages bring our travels to you (and our family, who had not seen nor heard from us in a long time). If anyone outside our family visits these pages, we hope you get some ideas for your travels and maybe learn a little bit to help prepare for your travels here. If you plan to visit Europe we would love to give you some ideas on places to visit, please feel free to email us (addresses below).

This site was last updated on Oct. 1998. Sorry for the long delay, we got busy (traveling and returning) and lost access to the scanner in Zürich.

Here are the links to our travels in Europe.

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Please come back and visit again, we'll flag new stuff as it happens.

You can reach Dan via email at: halabukd@saic.com or reach Jeanette at: jeanette.halabuk@ibm.net

Natalie just started surfing the net (she's only 5), if we give her an email address now

we'll never get time on the computers (besides, she can't read yet).