Only year, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds left until the year 2000!!!

DIVE! You Fools

If you're on, or going to be on Guam, you're on the right page :-)

Hi, my name is Carl, I am a P.A.D.I. Dive Instructor and a Darn nice guy! If you live on Guam, or you are coming to Guam...COOL! Call me or e-mail me. We'll get together and go diving. YOU! Can be a certified diver in 4 days or less!!!!! You may want to upgrade your certification level, Easy! Phone Me...(671)646-2583
I'm new to this home page stuff. It seems to take a long time to build. I'd rather be diving. So forgive me if the page is kinda crappy.
Check the links below. There are some interesting things there. Speak to yas later

Links to other sites on the Web

Photo of the nerd who did this
Cool dive page of Guam
Nothing really until the kid comes

Wow!!Sharks are Coooool Dude

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