Vince's Vacation Page

Welcome to my "what I did for my summer vacation" page.
It'll probably only be interesting for you if you happen to be one of the people I spent
the vacation with, but everyone's welcome to check it out. In some of the pictures,
if you look behind the people there are actually some scenic views.

France '98
Photo Gallery
Arc de Triomphe
Cafés and Gardens
Musée d'Orsay
La Tour Eiffel
Le Louvre
Notre Dame
Le Pantheon
Musée Rodin
Chateau Versailles
Greece & Turkey '97

Sixteen friends, some Greece and
a little Turkey add up to a lot of fun!

The "Summary" and I use that term lightly since this is more of a novel.
Shopping in Marmaris which is about one of my favorite experiences of the whole trip.
Three months after the trip, the images are still fresh in my mind.
A picture gallery of miscellaneous images.

Let me (Vince Curley) know what you think!