Hi & Welcome to my web page on Sydney Australia.
As with everything this page is currently being updated with a brand new, easier to navigate style coming up very soon! Stay tuned for the updates!
Due to the many requests the new page will also feature a section on me and my life just to keep the critics quiet!
In the mean time make use of the information pages and links..... thanks to all those who have spent time on this page & signed the guest book.... its becaus of your feedback the the new style page is coming up soon!!!
Links to other sites on the Web
Qantas- Australia's International Airline
NineMSN Australia.
New South Wales Government page.
Sydney Opera House Site.
Sydney Online.
Links to other great sites!! ***NEW***
Thanks for visiting my page, and considering Sydney Australia as a future travel destination.
Please leave a message in my guestbook & take your time to read past messages. Any questions can be posted in the comments section of my guestbook & will be answered within 48 hours of posting.
If you have any information of sites & restaurants which you would like listed on my site please email me the information including a return email address, information on the place, your name & a picture of the location.
I look forward to welcoming each & everyone of you to the city of Sydney Australia sometime in the future!
Sydney Australia- Home of the 2000 Olympic Games.
My Guestbook.
© 1997-99 - This page is for the exclusive use of travellers & education purposes only. The page owner is in no way advertising or endorsing the companies and places contained on this page. Information from this page may not be reprinted without the written concent of the web page owner. downunder2@geocities.com
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