Welcome to Marylands "open
to all" Nudist club's Hompage.
We are here to enjoy being un-encumbered by the
stereo-types attached to the clothes we where, or by the extra weight they
add to us. When we swim we don't worry about getting our clothes
full of sand and water and having it chafe. We don't worry about
a lawyer dis-liking us in our blue collar clothers (or visa-versa). We
are there to be free of the "textile" world, which is what we
refer to those attached to their clothes. We we are from all religions,
races, color, creeds, sexual orientations, and we are also capable and
handi-capable! We get married by preachers, rabbi's, ministers, preist
or a justice of the peace at clothed and nude weddings alike. We
even have nudist church officials at our clubs! Some say it's anti-christian,
or anti- whatever but don't realise Adam and Eve dressed because of their
shame, not because god said so. But they insist on saying god said
not to go nude! Whether they believe it or not, nudity is the accepted
way of life in many foreign countries , some Europians are most avid nudists.
look at Cape D' Agde! There's and nice "NUDE" city
for you! It has been in this country for a longer time most people
know! My point is we strive to make nudity an accepted alternative. We
want to live nude all the time except for when it is too cold, too dangerous
or offends others. We want to do it all nude, not to show off our
bodies (especially one like my "out of shape" body). Did
you know that nudist facilities have less rape? It is beleived we
are used to nudity and don't feel that sexual attraction to nude, or scantilly
clad members of the opposite sex we have less problems. To us the
sight of bare breast, or genitals mean "summer" has arrived,
not bed time! We are against nudity for the sake of profit, or perversion.
We feel nudity should be shared with those who can and do understand
the our way of life. We don't impose it on others by walking the
streets nude, except in communities, and cities where it is the way of
We are operating under a few simple rules, such
as: Nude, not Lude. What we mean by this is "don't tolerate
sexual advances to singles, minors, or anyone not interested".
If you make un-wanted advances, we will dismiss you from the club permenantly
or until you can show you respect others. All sexual advances, and
activities must take place in private areas such as the following. We
wont consider bushes private, but your own tent, cabin, or room will do
fine. If you wish to know who is single & interested, we will
attempt to have a system that will let others know who is or is not interested
in meeting others. This system will be for everyone, couples and
children shall wear a family membership necklace, others shall wear single
necklaces. Red shall mean not do not disturb. The reason some
persons shall wear red badges is maybe they're having a bad day. A
green badge is approachable all perons shall have both badges, badge shape
means single, or family membership. Marrital status has nothing to
do with it, you can meet and talk with others, wearing a green badge,
that is up to make wise decisions for yourself.
Alcohol is permitted at some functions, and some
locations, please check with whom ever is in charge of that function. Only
that person may say YEA or NAY as to wether or not it is permitted. Also
be aware that if alcohol is permitted, you may not be allowed to bring
glass... Some places aren't the place to have glass, like swimming
areas, volley ball and tennis areas to name a few. The glass rule
applies to soft drinks, O.J. (not Simpson), milk, and all other jars and
bottles. Be sure you know where you can't have it, and use common
sense when there are not posted signs or rules. We have these
rules for your protection and the protection of others.
Photos, don't take pictures without the permission
of ALL who appear in the shot! Some people fear repercussions from
co-workers, bosses, or families and friends who would not understand due
to their beleifs. Also taking pictures of someone you don't
know is rude. So Nude not Lude means: Nude not Lude, Crude, Rude
or Intrude. Other people will respect your privacy, you respect theirs.
Who can join:
If you are over eighteen years of age and have
proof of your age, you are welcome to join we don't have amembership fee,
but the club is go to jion a nationwide organization. The reason
for this, is our protection. When this club joins that organization
we will have the backing of many clubs, and will also be helping to support
other clubs. Plus members of this club will be allowed into other
clubs in the nation. The yearly dues for joining be 40-50 dollars,
maybe more for a whole year. These dues DON'T apply now as we have
yet to join. By the way the oganiztion we are considering is AANR.
AANR is the "American Association for Nude Recreation"
it is family orientated and so will support our clubs way of thinking.
We love new members, single or married, but may impose quotas on
events. This is due to the fact that the size of facilities we can
afford to rent are small, and due to the fact we don't want a 10 male to
1 female ratio at paties, or gatherings. But all, yeah thats what
I said, ALL SINGLES may join! All family members go onto a famity
membership until the kids are eighteen. Then they join as full members
at a discount! We want to keep our members. We love all of
our members equally, and hope to provide good support to all of them. Remember
though that we are a small club and funds are limited, so... be creative!
Be an event sponsor, find a location, or do the leg work. Others
can share the cost by bringing food to the party/gathering and still pay
for tickets used to raise the rental cost! Join NOW while the cost
is $0.00. It's not often you can join a club for free!
Write to us at: MARNA P.O.Box 802 Finksburg,
Md 21048
Click here for the new location of MARNA.