Family Crest?

The Home of Cindy, Cory & Chuck Galliher

We are still just your normal military family missing our stateside relatives and trying to get by. We have been stationed in Cuba, Florida, Puerto Rico and are now in Spain. If you have any questions about duty or just living in one of these places, just ask. We'll try to help.

Some of the pictures on the site are kind of dated. Cory is 14 now and a Freshman in high school. (where does the time go?) So some of the pictures of him are not how he looks now. Cindy and I have been married almost 17 years and she's still the love of my life. And me, I just keep plugging away for Uncle Sam. Been in the Navy for 13 years and am starting to see the retirement light at the end of the tunnel at the 20 year mark.

We try to update the site whenever possible. I'm working on a page now with some photos of our travels around the world. I'll post some pix of Paris, Portugal and from our vacations in the Caribbean. So drop in from time to time and maybe catch a new photo. Thanks for visiting. Chuck

Here are some pictures of the newest member of our family. She's a good girl but maybe just a little bit racy. (Click the logo)

Some of the photos we've taken around Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain are on this page.

Some photos of our family and friends are on this page.

Our Cindy is a great lover of local plants and animals. Here are some pictures of those around our yard. There is also some other things she finds interesting there. Go ahead, take a peek.

Cory's Corner is now available for viewing. It contains information on several of his favorite computer games.

We like to visit these places on the web. Try 'em.

This page was last updated on 03/12/01.


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