Welcome to our page. We're glad you can make it here and hope you enjoy your stay!
I'm dedicating this site to my parents, sister and brothers. We're so many miles apart
and this site will at least bring us alittle closer.. *S*.. and hopes they come in to visit
as much as they can. and to check out the new things I've added and will continue to add.
My parents (Richard and Nopuko) along with my brother Shane and sister Sherri live on a
lil' island called Truk or Chuuk.. It's located in the Micronesian islands.
My brother Jimmy along with his fiance' live in Kentucky. Stationed in FtKnox where
Jimmy is an instructor now for Army Airborne. .... And then me.. I'm in Washington State,
with my husband Roy, my two children Christopher and JackieLynn.
Congratulations to Sherri!!!!!
And her new baby "Krystal Sheila"
I'm soooooo proud to be an Aunt! LoveYOUUUUU!!
Family Pictures
Jackie Lynn's Picture
Christopher's Picture
Roy & Sheila's Picture
Richard & Nopuko's Picture
Jimmy & Nicole's Picture
Jimmy's Picture
Shane's Picture
Sherri's Picture
Roy's Picture
Sheila's Picture
News Paper Clipping
Map of Chuuk/Truk!
Cover Picture of story
And the Article
These next items were done by the locals in Chuuk all hand made.
"War Mask" or "Devil Mask"
War/Devil Mask (wall mount)
War/Devil Mask Key chains
The War//Devil masks were used during tribal wars/fights.
Coral Carvings
Wood Carvings
Mommy Dolphin w/baby
Hammer Head Shark
Shark 2
Shark 3
Story Board 1
Story Board 2
SUK (pronounced sook)
and other things, as well.
Shell Necklace 1
Jewelry - shells, turtle and fibers
Shell Necklace 2
Turtle Earrings
Turtle Hair Pieces
Turtle Comb
Wall Decor made from Hibiscus, Pandana, coconut fibers, shells, carved wood
Lil' Star Ornament
close up of woven Wall Tray
close up of Wall tray with wood carving & sharks teeth
Woven Wall tray with dolphin carving in center
Wall Tray w/shell in center. decorated with other lil' shells
Two Wall Trays Heart shaped
Heart shaped woven tray with carved wooden heart in center
Assorted Wall Trays on rack
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