This page lets you see the pictures in miniature before
looking at the larger size. It may help if you have a 20 inch monitor, though. If you rest the cursor over any of the pictures without hitting the mouse button, you can see a little description. Assuming you have an up-to-date browser, that is.
If you want more detail, you can go through a day by day list and get the same pictures there with
some context.
The dates listed are May and June, 1998.
Sa 23rd -- tavern ,
Su 24th --
Mo 25th --
Tu 26th --
We 27th --
Th 28th --
Fr 29th --
Sa 30th --
Su 31st --
Mo 1st -- none
Tu 2nd -- none
We 3rd --
Th 4th --
Fr 5th --
7-Eleven by King's Palace,
Sa 6th --
Su 7th -- Bryggen,
Mo 8th -- none
Tu 9th -- none
We 10th -- Bonn, Beethoven Square,
Th 11th -- Eileen Q concert in Mainz:
Fr 12th -- none
When you're done with this, you can check out a few more pictures I have scanned
at my other web page. There aren't
nearly as many there, though.
You may also head back to the travel page, my 7-Eleven page, or my writing page, depending on where you linked from.
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