Travel and Pictures Page
Hey, how's it goin?
It's coming along now. I think I can stop saying that I'm "still working on it." Now I can say that it's up and running and I'll be making updates as more things happen.
If you wanna skip the update section and go straight to the contents at the bottom of the page, that's fine by me.
Don't forget to sign the guestbook either.
Unofficial update section: Update for January 2006. I'm only updating because if you don't update in a certain amount of time they remove you. The last update was over a year ago. I've done some traveling since then but don't have a lot of pictures just yet.
(from 2005: Oh.. you know I have quite a few pictures, I might be able to put in some new pages after all. So stay tuned, pictures of Washington, D.C., and Amishish Pennsylvania and Delaware and stuff. We shall see---I wrote that a year ago (that is, in January 2005), and I haven't uploaded anything. I don't know if I even have those photos. Oh wait, I do probably. I was dating a gal in the DC area but now I'm not. Such is the life of an international playboy, I suppose.)
A note, written on September 12, 2001-- Speaking of things worth sharing, those of us who love to travel (and of course everyone, especially--but not limited to--the United States), the terrorist plane hijackings that happened yesterday are going to make it hard to get excited getting on a plane for a while. And to think the World Trade Center is gone-- it was such a big part of the horizon, and now it's just not there anymore. So, to that effect, I thought I'd finally upload a couple of things from my east coast trip way back in december. First, I have a view that you'll only be able to get from a helicopter from now on. And second, I have a view that no one will be able to photograph again. So.. hmm.. very sad all the way around. I guess we'll see what effect this has on travel in the time to come. (Now that some time has passed and we see the effects, they aren't quite the ones you might have predicted. Security still is sorta silly, all-in-all, considering all the things that could happen that they don't care to notice.
Back to the regular stuff again.. Here's a special treat for you. Grandpa wanted to test out the camera he picked up for Per (didn't want to take it all the way to Norway and find out it doesn't work). So he took a nice little 20 second movie of Tom and me (Jon) in the pool, doing things we shouldn't be doing at our age and/or physical condition. Be warned, though, this file is close to half a meg (447 K, really), so it'll take a while to download unless you've got a cable modem or faster. But without further ado, here you go, aptly titled Sea Lions in Captivity. Enjoy.
Pay attention to the little noises Tom makes while he's sitting on my shoulders. It's classic. This was taken summer 2000, but I suppose it's a classic and will age well. Unlike Tommy and me.

I guess I should mention that this site has pictures of Linda on it despite the fact that we've been separated/divorced since April 2000. However the marriage went, the traveling was fun--some of the best times I ever had, and the pictures are good. I suppose if she wants me to take them down, she'll let me know. They're just travel pictures, though, so there's nothing incriminating by any means. Most of them are very nice pictures, in fact. So, on with it. And they're the only documents I have since she has custody of the photos I guess. If she didn't cut them up or something.
And besides that, lots of stuff happens in the span of 10 years (I think I've had this site for 10 years or so). Grandma passed on in spring of 2005. She'd had a stroke in 2001, and they gave her a few months to live, but she held on for 4 years. Not the best of years though. But anyway. Other people have either passed on or moved on one way or the other. So not everyone who's in the pictures will still be part of the family, but who's counting. Not like many people see this stuff anyway, right?
The idea behind this page is for people in the family (it starts with the Isachsens and LaBrees and branches out from there to include Drummond, Breuer, Roose, Kung, Manabugpayo and others) to see scanned or digital pictures in a more or less orderly fashion. And if anyone else is interested, they can look too. There are lots of photographs in the Europe section, showing highlights from Jon and Linda's three week trip back in Summer 1998. Unfortunately (or fortunately), I don't have documentation of our horseback riding--maybe if someday someone gets a gadget that transfers video to the computer, I might put it on here.
Other than that, there's Tom's 22nd birthday party, pictures from Gina and Jörg's wedding, and pictures from the New Year's gathering in Laughlin.
Basically, if I have access to the pictures, I'll try to put something together. So if you want pictures up on the webpage, you can send them to me (I don't mean everyone in the world, just people in the family and such).
Of course things take time to put together, and I'm trying to learn more about web page construction so I can make it all look better. I haven't gotten to the point yet where I can translate what I want into what I can do. If that makes sense.
Speaking of stuff.. There have been lots of pictures coming through e-mail from Norway. It'll take me a while to sort through everything, and I'm not sure if I need to post them anyway, since everyone's been getting the e-mail. I suppose I should at least include some from the 17 Mai celebrations, and of course the old b/w picture of Grandma, Grandpa, and Leif in Tijuana.
Things to see on this site
The Europe Trip -- May-June, 1998
Europe picture list and thumbnails
Tommy's 22nd Birthday Bash! -- Oct. 31, 1998
Jon's Graduation party -- May 8(?), 1999
Jon's Graduation Ceremony -- May 27, 1999
Pacific Northwest trip -- June, 1999
Europe (7-Eleven style; May-June, 1998)
Jon's Alaska Trip -- July, 1997
New Year's at Laughlin -- 1998-9
Gina and Jörg's wedding -- a few years ago, ask Gina!
Chia Tweety! -- watch the growth of the
chia pet (from X-mas 1999)
Chicago -- August 2000. (unlike Sally and Lauren, I didn't get to be on the Jerry Springer Show when I was there)
Wow!! -- Australia! -- January, 2001. Yeah.. I went to Australia. I have photos but haven't written up the story yet. See me (or read about me) hanging out in Melbourne, Mount Waverley, The Glen, Sydney, Parramatta, the Olympic place, and see the gal who will help me get my green card (or the aussie equivalent).
Some excerpts to keep you guessing: Hear about how I won the hearts of a nation with my poetry... hear how I sang karaoke in a (mostly) gay bar in Melbourne's Chinatown... hear how I left my scrotum in the guest room, even though I didn't sleep there much... what is a nugget and how did I become one... watch me play daddy.... Ah, hell, you get the idea. Australia was really really cool! But you get that. Here's a special page to tease ya.
Check this out (free plug) -- US Trip 2001 -- March-April 2001 -- This time I played host to a world traveler, Miss Sally from Melbourne. Check out the stuff we got into. Pictures from Disneyland, Hollywood, Las Vegas, San Francisco, and San Diego (of course).
New, sorta! -- Re-Australia -- June 2001 -- Yeah, I can't seem to keep still.. I went back to Australia again (June 2001). So get ready for a few more pictures. Most of the touristy ones are from Canberra, but then I didn't necessarily go as a tourist this time. So watch for that pretty soon. And wouldn't you know it, I've been there twice now and still haven't seen Ayer's Rock or the Great Barrier Reef.. but.. I ain't too torn up about it, I'll have lots of time for that later I'm sure. In this trip, I went to the great cities of Wagga Wagga (no pix, though) and Canberra, and Sydney again. Don't expect anything too touristy, though.
New and continuing! -- Sally and Lauren's World Tour -- Oct 2001 til ?? -- Sally (the same one from before) and her good buddy Lauren are taking off some time to see the world. They have round-the-world tickets and a work visa for the UK. See their exploits as they happen (and when they have time/internet access to post new stuff). They were supposed to come out here for Christmas but money, jobs, and terrorism kind of cut into that for a bit. So instead they've come out for Valentine's Day and of course International Sally Day, the 23rd of February. Look for continual updates, cross-pollenization of websites and things of that nature.
England -- December 2001-January 2002 -- I spent about a week in England. New Year's Eve and Day in London, where I got some pictures from a double decker tour bus, and some nice night shots. I also have some pictures of snow in Leicester, and a tribute to Mary Poppins.
Links to other places on the web
Jon's writing stuff
Jon's 7-Eleven stuff
Mindy's stuff
Elwood's stuff
Student Teacher Support Group -- a school project of sorts; there are also graduation pictures here
PTFL Web Site -- The official web page of the Pop Tab Flicking League. It's what we do at work when we should be working. Put together by Commisioner Chris Mohr.
This was funnier before everyone got laid off. Oh well.
That's all for now kids.. keep coming back, updates keep on coming.
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