La Isla del Encanto


Escudo Oficial de Puerto Rico

For those who know me seeing this page will not be a surprise, for those that don't know me Welcome to my Island. I was born and raised in Puerto Rico. For me it is the most beautiful island in the world, nothing can compare to it. I have posted some pictures from different areas of the island for your enjoyment, plus a little bit of history.

Garrita en el Morro

The year 1998 marked the 100th anniversary of the "American Invasion" to the island. The "Invasion" lasted two weeks. 
mapa.gif (21063 bytes) Visit the Island, it's just 3 1/2 hours from Dulles or Baltimore Airports. Horse racing and gambling are legal in Puerto Rico. Most hotels have their own casinos and discotheques. Shopping is great in Old San Juan, specially if you are looking for jewelry. Alcohol is about a third of the cost from the states. The malls are the same kind as you will find anywhere in the U.S. But one of the best things about the island are the beaches and El Yunque Rain Forest. Every visit to Puerto Rico must include both.

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Freddie's Online Puerto Rican Cookbook (26626 bytes)

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Updated January 1, 2004 .  Created December 1, 1997