My Music.....© 1997, Marty Fancher/KeyTrax Productions Inc. |
My name is Patrick. People in the chat know me as Patdog. I used to use the name Ziggurat but don't now
I am 18 years old. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I am kind
of short. When I grow up I want to do something with computers.
I will be a senior in highschool this year. I enjoy playing basketball, tennis (my favorite), golf, hockey, soccer, boxing, football, and some baseball. I also hunt and fish. My hobbies are playing sports,playing on computer/internet, and doing stuff with my friends! I hope that you enjoy my page. If you have any suggestions e-mail me.
Go here if you need to
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to visit this wonderful site!(Lucky you!)
When I moved to this new location I had to get a new guestbook. Sorry, you have to resign it!!
Send me a
-------note from maker:This page needs major reconstruction but i don't have time to right now. I am currently working on new stuff so just sit tight until i get it done. I plan on: adding an online radio, reformating my page, and who knows what else I can think of. So just be patient! Thanks.... Patrick. © 2000 -This Page is Y2K compliant