¡ Hola !

Welcome ! You have reached the Home Page of the Rosado-Vega Family.

Our family was established on January 4, 1984 in Ponce, Puerto Rico. Our web site here at Geocities is called the Estrella de Mar or Starfish. Currently we are physically far away from our Island of Enchantment, but our heart is always in Puerto Rico.

David, Alexis and Xiomara back home, summer of 1992.

"Praise God from whom all blessings flow."

The purposes of our home page are as follows:

1-) To make available for the family all over the States and back in Puerto Rico a site in which members of the family can communicate and keep up to date with our family events. Also share our vacation experiences with them and any one interested in dropping by.

2-) To provide any web explorer with photos of the Island of Puerto Rico, the Shining Star of the Caribbean. Probably the best place to spend your vacations. Links to other exciting sites associated with Puerto Rico.

3-) Family link to our background. Family Genealogy (Genealogia de la familia).

Drop us a note and let us know what you think of our web page.E-mail

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©David and Edna Rosado, 8/97 All photographs, data and designs in this web pages are property of the Rosado-Vega Clan. No permission is granted to copy or use any part of the same without proper consent.