Hale in Hawaii
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Te Nui E

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have come holoholo!


H A L E     I N     H A W A I I



E Komo Mai (Welcome) to my humble Hawaiian hale in Kealakekua, on the Big Island.    Barefeet only, please ... leave shoes and slippas outside ...
    Pull up a chair, get comfortable, have a pupu or two and enjoy your journey.
    Any comments, compliments, and the like will be appreciated!

You can page me through ICQ or leave a message Page Me!

 Come holoholo again soon!


 Below you'll find a list of links pages to different areas on the web
that I find really interesting, and hope you do too.

This Hawaiian Ring site owned by Chele Crisafi.

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Mahalo nui loa!

Copyright 1997-2000  Chele Crisafi.