Hi! Welcome to my Home Page!!

I guess you already know my name. I'm 24. I live in Arizona, which is where I have always lived. I work at Alphagraphics, and I'm going to school. I'm gonna shrink heads someday.
My boyfriends name is Art. He's 32 and runs security at a nightclub. He's a wonderful man and treats me like a princess. He pretty much takes up what little spare time I have. When I'm not with him, I'm hangin' out with the girls, or getting ready to move AGAIN.

Well, it's time to do a little construction on my page. I haven't worked on it in months. But, I'm in my "homepage zone" again. I have so many new ideas...
Come back and see my page again real soon. There is sure to be some great changes.

Don't forget to sign my guestbook or e-mail me. I'd luv to hear from you.

Here's an idea.... Do both!

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