There is a people whose history has always been enveloped with mystery, the people of the river...The people of the Nile...


This site is dedicated to Ancient Egypt. A special attention has been given to the texts and to the design of the site. Any ideas about improvements, new subjects, new pictures are welcome as I want to offer the best of Egypt to my visitors. Enjoy your stay in my Egyptian Dream...

Cleopatra VII: she wanted to become empress of the world and she almost achieved it. She is the last pharaoh.

Thutmose III: after Hatshepsut's peaceful reign, Thutmose incredibly extends Egypt's borders and become the greatest Egyptian conqueror ever.

Napoleon: the ambitious French emperor led a disastrous military campaign in Egypt but gave a new birth to egyptology.

Champollion: he was the first to discover the meaning of the Egyptian hieroglyphs. After his discovery, Egypt became an open book for archaeologists.

Famous people

The pyramids: more than 80 pyramids have been discovered so far. What were those huge buildings made for ? How were they built ?

The Pharos: the mythical lighthouse of Alexandria collapsed during the 14th century after several earthquakes. It has been rediscovered some years ago.

The necropolis: rediscovered in the 90's, the Greek necropolis in Alexandria hides many treasures.

Nubian fortresses: the Egyptians built fortresses that were much bigger than those built in the Middle-Ages.

Egyptian wonders

Religion: the ancient Egyptians had an elaborated religious system which influenced each aspects of their everyday life.

Death: Egyptians weren't obsessed by death, they were obsessed by life. Death was an open door to a new life.

Mystery: a new generation of archaeologists say that Egyptians have inherited some knowledge from a vanished civilization.

Woman: Women had a very important position in the Egyptian society: role, family, sex, politics and religion.

Egyptian life

Picture gallery: more than 80 high quality pictures classified by subject.

Books: interesting books about Egypt at very low prices. A search engine to find any book about any subject.

Links: links classified by subjects. You can add your Egyptian site for free.

Guestbook: if you like or hate this site, take some of your time to fill in my guestbook.

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In general...
The Egyptian Dream, created by Laurent Willen in december 1997

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Since december 97