My Mermen
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Forever Love
A World of Wonders

Thanks for visiting my waters of the Deep!!!
Many wonders yet to come....
Be sure to swim on back for more updates
As I trod upon the pure white sands
in the wind I hear your name,
Spoken with beauty, tenderness, love
the sea calms as I look upon it,
Hoping to catch a glimpse of you...
My Love, My Angel, My Mermaid...
I close my eyes and you come to me,
feeling the tenderness in your hands
as they rest upon my shoulders, I reach
out, only to find you where a dream.
A dream that shall come true...
Fulfilling my life, that I may now rest,
for I have awoken and found you...
My dreams, my life, my love complete...
My Love undying for a Sweet Mermaid,
who comes from afar to comfort me...

My love for you is like a river flowing to the sea...
My love is like a mountain reaching for the sky...
My love runs deep as any ocean, higher than any tree
My angel I love you forever, for eternity...
Meet me on a cloud, high above, feel my love as it surrounds you...
Encasing your body with a shield of passion that no-one can break...
leaving an opening for your three special men...

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