Welcome to Snapjohn's Page

You can view my Husband, Hugh's, WWII Memoir Pages by clicking HERE!

I am working on updating my pages so check back soon!!!

Coos Bay photo by Tom Varley

Hello! My name is Dorothy Irvin. I have lived in Coos Bay, Oregon, a port
town on the Southern Oregon Coast, for most of my life. My husband, Hugh,
and I were in the
retail jewelery business here for over 35 years, having
retired a few years ago.

I would like you to meet some members of
my family and view some of my
pictures from the past showing some of our favorite
camping spots in
But I've also had great times in Colorado and by the Sultan Sea.

One of my favorite trips from the past was going to
Hawaii for two weeks.
My Aunt Grace (now deceased) took my sister, Marian, my daughter, Diane and
myself to the islands for a wonderful holiday that I will never forget. We
visited four islands and stayed in some of the most luxurious resorts
there. We actually went on an American Express trip where most everything
was planned but we did have some time to ourselves. We had a delightful
time and it will always be one of my fondest memories.

Click here to read about my grandfather, shipbuilder John Kruse

I know you will be asking, so I'll tell you, click here for


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Snapjohn's Peace of Mind Page

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I received this award on
Oct. 28, 1997 - thanks!

I'm now a proud member of
Ladies of the Heart!


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