Bowers' 2 Haven

My Haven

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Hi, I'm Linda or L.J. I`m very flexible and will answer to most anything that is spoken with a kind heart and a smile. I have a most wonderful husband of 34 years, a terrific daughter and son-in-law, and I had a son for 23 years. We lost him in 1991. If I can think of how to tell you about it, I`ll try to create a page about how chemical addiction changed our family.

My interests are:
travel, reading (I love Stephen King ,John Grisham, Anne Rice and Maya Angelou), crocheting and knitting, surfing the net, fishing, working in my flower garden and last, but never least, music. I love listening to music while doing anything. I also love science fiction and have been a trekie since day 1. Now, of course we have Star Trek Voyager, Babylon 5, Deep Space Nine and of course The X Files. There are just so many to pick from with cable.

My home activities are taking care of my super guy and, having coffee with friends or working on a crochet project. I`m making a table cloth for my daughter and her husband, (finished 11/3/97, finally) and now, like an idiot, have decided to make one more (finally finished it too). I have made afghans, pillows, scarves, house-slippers, stuffed animals, sweaters, capes and all kinds of things. I have knitted a few things, but I learned to crochet first, and it is my first love. Now I've found "filet crochet". It is my new first love. It is so much fun creating things from your own mind,(especially one like mine), and actually bringing them into existance. Of course I do family names in cursive and script, but pictures in crochet have become my favorite thing to do. Of course it helps to have something creative to do when your husband is at home all the time. I have done some embroidery, but that is my Mothers thing, that and counted cross stitch, which she does really well. She also makes all hand stitched quilts, which I would never attempt. She also crochets beautifully and has just finished making a pair of drapes and queen size bedspread. She puts me to shame.

My husband and I enjoy golf. When he first ask me to go, I thought it would be a wonderful idea. Being out in the sunshine, getting a tan, the exercise. What a wonderful sport. My only problem was in hitting the ball. Couldn`t then, and still can`t. I have, however, become quite the spectator. That`s where the travel comes in. We have been to Nashville Tennessee, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and some home state Sr. Golf Tournaments in Kansas City and St.Louis. Of course, when you go to these cities, there is much more to do than watch golf, but that is what took us there to begin with. To answer your question, no my husband doesn`t play professionally. I`m afraid when it comes to professional golf, we both watch. Our favorite players are, of course, the great "Golden Bear" Jack Nicklaus, Bob Murphy, Dave Stockton, Hale Irwin, Johnny Miller, Lee Trevino, Raymond Floyd and, well, we like most all of them. They are truly, a great group of people.
We also like bowling. My husband, John, loves it more than I do, but of course, he bowls much better than I do. Last year,(1996), he carried a 197 average in his bowling leagues. I on the other hand only carried a 117. Quite a difference huh! I had always told him he should try the Pro Tour, but he just didn`t have the time. We have bowled for much of our married lives, and still bowl in leagues when we are healthy. We both have very bad back problems. I`ve had 3 surgeries and he is having his first one,(a four vertebra fusion). Unfortunatly, he was not able to return to work.Now, as old age and time will have it, he will need to have a hip replaced. When he decides to have it done, and recouporates, we'll be planing on a few more trips to "watch" golf.

We live in a small town in the middle of Missouri just 25 miles north of Columbia, (home of the MU Tigers)

Centralia, Missouri.
The population is just a little over 3,000. It is considered a farming community. Our claim to fame is the A.B Chance Co. which was founded right here by Albert Bishop Chance in 1907. He started the company in the basement of his home which has been turned into a museum.(Not just the basement, but the whole house) I have done some volunteer work there and it is a lot of fun giving tours through the house. There are alot of interesting things there, with some great stories behind them. But I digress. The company manufactures mobile home, telephone pole, and powerline anchors and power line equipment. The story goes that Mr. Chance was tired of the telephone poles blowing over in storms, disrupting service, and thought something should be done to keep them standing when the wind blew hard, as it has a tendency to do here, where the country is so flat. TaDaa, the anchor was born. Or at least that was the way I heard it. ;-) As the Company grew and Mr. Chance became more affluent, he and his wife traveled extensively.While in the Orient, Mrs.Chance fell in love with the gardens there. So, for her delight, and now, the delight of Centralia, he created a beautiful Oriental garden right in the back yard. It has been seen by people from all over the world. And, even if I do say so myself, it is breathtaking in the spring and summer.

I`m just getting started on this, so check back soon and I`ll have some more to tell you.

In the meantime...
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