by Michael Spector
This past February (1997) I participated in the “Cuban Popular Music and Dance Course” in Havana, Cuba; sponsored by Caribbean Music and Dance Programs. I took over a hundred photographs there. (Due to web space considerations, I can only include less than half of them here). I tried to select a good cross-section of photos from the course itself, people involved in it, and sights in Havana . Click on a photo to see it full-size. If you right-click (on a Mac---click and hold) on the full-size picture, you can download it to your computer (or use as your computer’s “wallpaper”).
If you wish to use any of these photographs in another publication or web page, I would appreciate it if you would give me credit for the photo. If you use one of the photos in a web page, I would suggest that you include a link in your page to this one, so that viewers can see all the photos.
If you have any comments, please write to me at the e-mail address at the bottom of the page.
I also participated in the Afrocubanismo Festival in Banff, Canada in August 1996. If you would like to see my photos from that course, click here.
I hope you enjoy these Memorias de Havana!
(Note: This page is still under construction. I still will be adding a few more photos, putting all the photos in an order, and adding captions to each.)
Background Music---“Me Voy a Pinar del Rio” by Nestor Cruz, sequenced by Michael Spector. Click here to play again. Right-click to download. (Click stop on your browser tool bar to stop it from playing. If you'd like to hear the music but it isn't audible, check the sound setup on your computer, and whether you have the option “Play Sounds” enabled in your browser options. The music will sound best if you have wavetable synthesis (General MIDI) on your sound card or sound module.)
My e-mail address follows, but is disguised to foil spammers (people who send junk unsolicited e-mail ads). (Their computers collect e-mail addresses from web pages and newsgroups.) To send me an e-mail, please delete both occurrences of the letter z in the following e-mail address:
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