
Home of the Minnesota Central Railroad

and the

The St. James Model Railroad Club

Click on the image of the door at the bottom of the page to see the rest of the website

[the clubhouse]

Welcome to St. James, MN and the Roundhouse. Here you will find model railroads in HO, O(Lionel) and G Scale. The Roundhouse has been in existence since 1989 and was formed by a group of train enthusiasts in the St. James area to promote their hobby and their enthusiasm for the railroads of America. Sharing with the community has always been a major part of the Roundhouse mission. The layouts are open to the public at no charge during the annual "Railroad Days" celebration in St. James. The layouts are also open on thursday nights and weekends between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Click on the door to enter the Roundhouse.
[click to enter]

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