Wherever You Go -- There You Are


We designed this site to be interesting, informative and fun. It provides free travel and sightseeing information to both physical travellers (tourists or serious adventurers on a budget) and cybernauts (net-surfers). Whether y'all may be travelling on business or pleasure, we hope that our website can be exciting to all who visit -- links, articles, humor, and stories associated with every state are told from a personalized standpoint by a couple of comrades who have actually been there. Cultural affectionados can expect movies, sounds, and lotsa pictures depicting our many diversified exploits to appear as these webpages undergo periodic refinements. Aside from the usual band of friends and relatives, we also extend a hearty welcome to all fellow CONTRACTORS and TEMPORARY WORKERS! Visit us often!

Can't figure out what's been UPDATED on this website? Click Here! to find out!

Be sure to visit Dr. Seuss {sic} as part of our POETRY CORNER, as well as our FUNNY FARM!

Where in the world (or at least, in the United States) are S&L?

(Click on a state to find out amazing facts about how each state relates to "S" and/or "L"!)


Links to other sites on the Web

PHILIPS-MAGNAVOX CORPORATION -- a television doesn't work unless it's made here
STEPHEN FRISCH: PHOTOGRAPHER -- extraordinary in every sense of many mediums
BIIRDIE -- the greatest indie band in the civilized universe
BLACKJACK REVIEW -- The place to go for the real FAQs about BLACKJACK
FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY -- consider a college education here
GATEWAY 2000 computers -- a great place to buy computers (but there are better)
THX -- George Lucas' official website about the whole wide wonderful world of Lucasfilm Ltd.
ARCOSANTI -- S visited here back in the pre-L days
UFO SIGHTINGS -- for Heaven's Gate survivors
MOVIE SOUNDTRACKS -- reviews of Film Music scores, plus sound clips
SOAP OPERA BUFFS -- this is the place to go for juicy gossip (from a fan's point of view)

We are currently working on our pages. Please bear with us.

Thank You for your patience!

The size of this website is proportional to our learning curve.
Outside help is greatly appreciated!

This is now an ordered list of our favorite fruits:

S&L are very special people. To find out more about them, Click Here!

Miscellaneous Notes

The Wizard/Webmaster maintains this page, and can be reached by:

E-mail!  at: savingsandloan@writeme.com OR savingsandloan@geocities.com OR savingsandloan_1@hotmail.com


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