"A country in anarchy"
The Crime, the Violence & the Tourist

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the Other Side of South Africa

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the Other Side of South Africa

...where you'll find on a Serious note:

The Politics!!

Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer!! || The Death of the Rainbow Nation || Massive corruption Exposed!! || A message to all Emigrants!! || the Successful Road to a Disastrous Education System || "I'd Rather be in Prison..." || Killing the Goose that lays the Golden Egg || How the Public enforces Justice! || A Plea to the Government from the People of a small Village || Where All the Funds are Coming from...and only God Knows Where it's Going to... || Reintroduction of Racist Laws the end of Democracy - Viva Marxism! || Health Care Minister Zuma being "negligent & reckless"! || The Truth & Reconcilliation Commission - the Full Report || Racism is back in all it's Glory!! more crime links...

...and articles:
To all ex-South Africans who fled the crime:
A message from Madiba - You were NOT true South Africans!!

"Real South Africans would not run away from the high levels of crime in South Africa... we are convinced that the real South Africans are being sorted out in this process!" - Nelson Mandela, 12 September 1998.

"Those who are fleeing the country with their training and expertise should be made to pay a development tax of 10 to 20% before they leave..." - PAC, 14 September 1998.

Murdering a White American, while Yelling "One Settler, One Bullet!" was not a racist action, but a "political expression", say Killers of Amy Biehl!
On 28 July 1998 they were granted amnesty and were freed...

...Nelson Mandela on the Death Penalty & Corruption (10 Feb 1997) - and blaming the violent crime rate on police & judicial corruption. Nelson Mandela is fighting crime - by releasing 9000 criminals as part of his birthday bash! - July 1998.

"What is happening now with liberation is that criminals have also been liberated to move into white areas." - Nelson Mandela, 12 September 1998.

Nelson Mandela vs Judicial System

The incompetence of Mandela and the ANC-Government as observed by
the London Sunday Times.

Judge ruled Health Minister Nkosazana Zuma for being "reckless" and "negligent", saying her actions led to the loss of R10,5-million!
An Amendment, passed by the US Congress this month, calls for the suspension of $30-million (R160-million) in aid to the South African government because it claims a clause in the Act, which gives wide powers to the minister of health to determine patent rights, is an assault on US intellectual property.

NO PLACE FOR DEMOCRACY! Mandela said the African National Congress wants to secure a two-thirds majority in next year's second democratic elections "to ensure that we are not interfered with by Mickey Mouse parties who have no commitment to democracy." - Mandela, 26 November 1998 - ON THE WAY TO A ONE-PARTY STATE!!

"If I head a 'Mickey Mouse Party' then Mr Mandela is the head of a 'Goofy Government': a government that has failed to deliver on even its most minimal promises to its electorate; a government that fails in the relatively simple task of registering its voters; and a government that failed..." - Tony Leon, Leader of the Democratic Party.

MANDELA'S OBSESSION WITH RACE - Mandela said whites made "an enormous mistake" when they voted into power the former apartheid government, which, he added, had turned the country into the pariah of the world - 26 November 1998.

ON THE ROAD TO A MILITARY STATE? The South African cabinet on 18 November 1998 agreed to buy arms and military aircraft from European manufacturers worth $5-billion.

See at CRIME IN SOUTH AFRICA why the widow of Alan Paton, the champion of black rule and renowned author of "Cry, the Beloved Country!", is leaving South Africa!! - November 23, 1998

Violence and a sense of decline fuel white exodus from South Africa - The London Sunday Times, November 22, 1998. See CRIME IN SOUTH AFRICA

President Mandela has been abroad 47 times during the last 48 months!!

...and something about

our African Culture!!

...and more...

You'll find it all at:
the Other Side of South Africa

I have received requests from concerned South Africans and ex-South Africans alike who want to display my banner on their Home Pages. I thank you...

...and for your inspiration, you all know who you are...

If you go to THIS SITE, you'll find some of my own stuff and other links.

You will find some of my own boring stuff here and nowhere else. I apologise.

I told you it was boring!

More about myself : I live in the Republic of... well, you guessed it!!

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