Welcome To Bud Man's Cyber Home

Hello cyber friends (and family)...This is my home page, crude as it may be... as I learn more about this, I will update it and try to make it a page worth coming back and checking out...A little about myself: I am 33 years young, married (some of you might know my better half, Bugsy (or Bugsygirl), we have 4 children....You can see them and the rest of my family on my Family Page, and also, check out my special page called Bobbi's Page, a tribute to my oldest daughter I lost to SIDS when she was 7 weeks old. I work for a private contractor, OMI, for the city I live in (Atchison,_ Kansas). In my spare time I enjoy playing with and learning more about computers, working outside on our land and house.

Here's one of the places that you might find me when I am on the net...

Here are a few of my favorite links:

Why don't you check out_ICQ,_it's a great little program that lets you know when someone is online!

Bobbi's Page__My Family Page

Last Updated: November 3, 1998

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since April 6, 1997

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