G'day y'all!

Welcome to the home of Paul and Pam Hewitt...of downtown Darwin, Australia, where it's hot all year 'round!

Hello and thanks for visiting our home page. For all you cyber lovers...or would-be's...ours is an interesting success story. Paul is from Darwin, Australia, and Pam is from McComb Mississippi, U.S.A. (For those of you who actually looked at the link for McComb...ok, ok...I only wish THAT was McComb!) We met over the net through a service called Match.com And for those of you who are interested, we are featured as February's success story in Mix-n-Match at the match.com web site. (If you'd like to read it you can click on this link to the story page, "The full Story" and read the transcript.) We started with email on June 8, 1997, and before long were talking at length on a chat program called powwow, and speaking on the phone a lot too. It was all too expensive, so we decided to meet in person. This occurred at New Orleans International Airport on July 6, 1997, and we've been together ever since! We were married on January 31, 1998, and are very, very happy! A warning, though, for anyone considering this type of inter-continental relationship...it isn't easy, but it is worth it. The continual problems with "red-tape" presented by the beaurocracy, make it a real challenge. By the way, collectively we have three children, Melody, Caln and Tristn.

For anyone who is interested in country music, you should visit the home page of Paul's band... Midnight Express, They play just about anything but there is an emphasis on both kinds of music.... country and western!

And now the old band has started up again! That's right Cold Shot fans, the topends bluesrock mob is playing around town again. Check out the homepage throught the link or banner further down the page.

We often get asked what type of music we like, and basically we both like everything. ( Although Paul's taste is not quite so modern!). Pam prefers stuff like Real McCoy. Paul is into the likes of Paul Rodgers, John Michael Montgomery, Brookes and Dunn and music like this...... Jeff Healey. But we both like Shania Twain.

Oh by the way, for all of you Americans thinking of travelling to Australia, if you like Ranch Dressing, then a word or two of advice..... BRING IT!, You just can't get it here! Incidentally, we both see ourselves as home gourmets and have a few home grown recipes to share.... there will be more to follow as this page progresses! And they will feature some real aussie tucker, and also some real southern fare.

Our Cookbook

Occasionally people we've met reckon Paul's job is a bit interesting. Well for those of you interested in Aviation, here are some interesting helicopter snaps, and a bit of information about what Paul does.

Paul's Helicopter Pilot Job

Please visit our wallpaper gallery for some truly vivid wallpaper ideas!

Pam's Wallpaper Gallery

If you want to email us...

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