Tammy's Home Page

~~~Tammy's Home Page~~~

To God be the Glory!

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March 21, 2001. Whoa! I haven't been here in a while. Time to make some changes! =)

February 29, 2000. I've made some changes to my main page (this one). I've finished most of the updates to my Aussie Pics page as well as added some to my Summer 98 page which I totally forgot about. Newer looker. I've done some reorganizing, adding bits of stuff to make it more convient like having the larger pictures open a new window so there's not so much pressing of the back and forward buttons Everything is a little more compact because I don't want frames and there was too much scrolling! Enjoy.

February 27, 2000. I've updated my Sydney page and added pictures. Take a look!

September 7, 1999: New page with countdown to my homecoming! check it out. I'm in Sydney Australia and am on student exchange.

Sydney, Australia: 1999

Hi and welcome to my homepage! I'm Tammy. Please explore my site.
I do updates to my page occassionaly on things that change
like what I'm doing during the year or adding some pictures from my travels.
Please take a look at my Jesus page. Cool info there! Do take a peek at my fish pond. I think it's very cute! Someone told me I need different size fish. Haven't figured that out yet...but then again, I didn't try either!
I have a guest book so please sign it! I do read them! But I haven't had any new entries in a while.
My email address is also below if you want to contact me. I'd rather people sign my guestbook than email me if they're just visiting.

Tammy's Fish Pond

My Links

All about Jesus Christ, my Lord Updated December 26, 1998. This page now has some real important info so please take a look. There's also a cool link (which also shows up on my links page)

Sydney, Australia: 1999 Created September 7, 1999. Updated February 29, 2000. I have a link to some of the photos from my trip! Totally cool stuff. I borrowed some java script for this page. It has some info on me in Sydney as well. Check it out!

My 1998 Summer Trip Photo Album February 29, 1998. I realized I never posted some of my pictures so now they're there. I've also added captions Hope you like them.

All About Me Updated on September 15, 1999 (c: If you want to know anything else about me, just ask. Maybe you'll find out! ;)

My Links Page Updated on September 15, 1999. This page was updated in December 1998 and some links have now been added and old links have been updated. (c:


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Created August 9, 1997. March 21, 2001
I hope you liked it! I update it once or twice a year when there's something interesting to add.
Please come again soon!

Any suggestions? Please Send them to:


~†~My Guest Book~†~

Any comments? Please write them in the guest book!
{View Guestbook | Sign Guestbook}


Copyright © Tammy Pong 2004
If you see anything that you like and would like to add it to your homepage, please ask! Thanks!