Welcome to my Homepage!!!

"Sunny Lea & His Life"

YOU ARE VISITOR # since March 24th, '97

Hi! My name is Sunny Lea, I'm 18 years old, and I live on a tiny island named "Montserrat" in the British West Indies. I am interested in electronics, computers, videography, I love music, but most of all...I love Jesus Christ. I am a musician (I play the piano/keyboard) and I try to use my music to glorify HIM, the one who created music and gave me the gift. Hydroponics and Drama are some other things I like. I'll explain "Hydroponics" later on when I have the time.

Here I am:To hear some music that I wrote of my own, click on "Me" or the "Treble Cleft". It is just a short piece of a song I composed and recorded...VERY SHORT!!! It's a downloadable "wav" file.

PICK ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> ONE

And this is my wonderful family:

Well as some people know, at least the ones that have heard about Montserrat, the island is currently under a volcanic crisis. I thought I would show you a few pictures of the volcano and its surounding areas.

My music

Volcano pictures

My friend's "Official Web Page" (Arthur Blessitt)

Other links I like

If you can't find what you want then "search" for it

You can E-mail mewith your requests, suggestions, and comments on how to improve this site at: sunb@geocities.com

...the mailbox is begging for your mail !



"The sword of the spirit is my best defense...PRAISE THE LORD!!!"

Sunny-Day Productions Act.

Go to: "GEOCITIES"...

S. B. L. Lea