My fancy name is Karma's Chambord Royale but my friends just call me

USDAA's 1996, 1997, 1998, and 1999 top ten (12 awards).
Member of all-mini "ADCHful Dodgers" D.A.M. Team, 1st place, Saratoga, NY, 1999.

My best buddy and agility teammate, Mark Friedman, made this web page for me. We are into Dog Agility and are members of the Artful Dodgers Agility Dog Training Club of Baltimore, MD. BTW, the Artful Dodgers are looking for a few good men.

See me having FUN (warning: lots of pictures) Many of these pictures were taken by Mary Jo Sminkey who has an Agility Page at her Dogpatch site that is an excellent entry to the world of Dog Agility.

Click here to see some of Mark's agility wit. (He thinks he's so smart just because he can read the numbers on the course!)

Click here to see my canine friends.

If you have a Macintosh and want to design your own agility courses, Mark wrote a program called Over! that you can download. Version 2.1.1 is now available.

There is a Papillon called Flame
Whose contacts are sometimes quite lame
But she jumps and she runs
And always has fun
And ain't that the name of the Game!

Comments? Write me.

Zydaco Antiques

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