Welcome to Robert's Page

Hi. I welcome you to my first web page. This is my first time making a web on the internet. Hopefully, it will be to everyone's liking!! Here is a picture of what i look like! Its a little old, but i will have a more up-to-date picture of me very soon!

I am from Sunny South West Florida. Home to the Miami Dolphins, Walt Disney World and many other famous florida attractions! I have live here for six years, and enjoyed every day of it! I spend every chance i get at one of the many beaches along Florida's west coast! I am currently a college student studing to be a computer programmer. My descrption is that i am 21 years old, 5'8, 140# and tanner skin! Here is a map of the section of Florida where i live in. Here is some of the people in my family.

Since i been on-line for the over a year now. I have made lots of friends! over the net.

Links to other sites on the Web

Local Radio Station I listen to!
Where I go to school
News about the area I live
Florida Dept of Law Enforcement (Floridian's this is a site you definaltly want to check out)

If you have any questions, comments, or any advise to make this page more appealing, please send it to my e-mail address or to the comments section in my guest book. Your sedgestions will be appreciated. Thank you for visiting my page!! Sign GuestbookView Guestbook

© 1997 rschenk@hotmail.com