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Thanks so much for making my page the success that it is ... I have put a lot of blood sweat and tears in this, and on my infertility pages I have actually opened my heart and displayed the contents, please handle with care. I've just added a section to the infertility page, it's definitely worth the read. Click here to take a look.
Here's a brief rundown, for those of you that are new to our
humble abode ....
HAPPY 2004!! Can you believe it? I know I say this every time but I really don't know where the time has gone .... We will be married 14 years in July 2004... talk about time flying!!
Dave and I have started a new business venture, we're an autherized dealer of Burt's Bee's all natural products. Click here to see our page and learn about some of the products. We both truly love this company, they are really giving back to the environment and we've also learned a lot. If you're in Kentucky, stop by and see us at the monthly flea market at the fairgrounds!!
... Dave got out of the military in 1990 and we moved to Indiana ... don't laugh, we actually like it here! We've been here for almost 5 years now. I grew up here in New Albany, and we're both comfortable here, so we decided to make it our home. After 10 years of traveling and uprooting our lives and dragging the dogs with us we decided to settle down ... wonder how that'll be?? :)
D.A.M. Enterprises consists of Dave and Mel (Melissa).
Dave is 33and I am 32. Dave is former Air Force, and has worked for a couple different companys since he's been out all on a contract basis.
Dave is working currently at UPS at the corporate headquarters office here in Louisville in their telecom department, he's on a contractual basis thru Tek Systems, hopefully in August we'll find out if he goes permanent or not.:-)
We went to the Steelers vs Bengals football game in Cincinnati 26 November, 2000 it has become an annual tradition. I have become a very big fan now ... dagnabit!! :-) GO STEELERS!!!
Here's a couple pics we took my first NFL game in 1999!
We've also been going to Hockey games here locally, we have a farm team to the Florida Panthers ... the Louisville Panthers. They've been having some trouble this season but we're still cheering them on ... never thought I would cheer for hockey but I did ....
Our hockey team is now gone, lost in the nether regions, and I think we're still mourning, but we met some great people, got lots of autographs from the players, some of which are playing NHL now, and had an awesome time.
Dave is also an avid fisherman and likes to work on wood but not as much now since we're in a rental house with not much space for a woodshop! Here's an example of some of the things he's made. The only reason I don't complain "too" much is because I am the guinea pig and recipient of all the prototypes!! (Although there is NO MORE ROOM in my house for more!!)
I (Mel) have been working at Duplicator Sales and Service for 3 years now, I'm a cash receipts specialist, all the money that comes thru the company comes thru me before it hits the bank!!! :)
One of the great things about moving back to Indiana is I'm back together with 2 of my oldest and best friends. Missi was my friend in 8th grade probably from the first day we met and were inseperable. We've easily fallen right back into our friendship, it's good to be home! and Laura is a New Albany police officer and was my first friend in New Albany.
This page was last updated on 15 January 2004.
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