
A little about me:

Name: Micah Kent Yoder
Residence: Salem, Oregon
Favorite Food: Papa John's Pepperoni Pizza (I got addicted to it in college in Virginia
and it's hopefully coming to Oregon soon!)
Favorite Music Group: Petra!!!
Education: BA in Computer Science, Eastern Mennonite University (Harrisonburg, VA)

Finally! I have some cool pictures from my recent trip to Venezuela here: They were pulled from my video with a Snappy.

It was a great trip. Highlights:

Here's a picture of me and a monkey in Amatitlan, Guatemala. I'll leave it up to you to figure out which is me and which is the monkey!

Interesting Things....


If you're still using an operating system from Microsoft, check this out. LINUX is a great alternative. Compared to Windows, it is:

The only time I've ever crashed it was during video configuration messups. Wish I could say that about Win3.1, Win95, WinNT (3.51 and 4.0), and even OS/2! Download a copy or buy a CD today!

Contacting Me

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