Internet and Web Design

Favourite links:

Welcome to the internet and web design web site. This site is maintained by Graham Nott, an internet programmer and director of Star Global.

The travel feature entitled "Backpacking Europe" is a popular travel web site, and has original photographs, travel tips and stories. Click the Backpacking Europe icon to begin the Backpacking Europe travel section.

Graham Nott's portfolio of CDC (Canada's Digital Collections) projects are on the portfolio page. Send email to with comments or questions about this site, or take a moment to complete the questionaire.

Travel Feature
Backpacking Europe
Travel tips and photographs from all over Europe.

Descriptions of other web sites built by Graham Nott.

A very short questionaire - lots of fun!

Interesting web sites that I recommend.

Home page at
Created by Graham Nott
Last updated July 11, 2001

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