Simple pleasures in life is what I enjoy.
I am out spoken, and i`m never coy.
I`ve always said, just what i believe.
I`m very sentimental, and sometimes i grieve.
I like being alone, most of the time.
And i´m a nature girl, most people find.
I love to fish, and the mountains in the fall,
to walk through the leaves, and listen to bird calls.
I like nights at home, in front of the computer.
and sometimes I wish, for things that can´t be.
I can get pouty, when I can´t have my way,
and sometimes I cry, over what people say.
I love to laugh, to sing and to dance.
and I am a fool, when it comes to romance.
I have given an insight, for everyone to see.
I`m not perfect, but I am just me...

To know more
about me ...