La Casa Dei Taddeo   


Benvenuto!  Welcome to the online home of Ron and Stephanie Taddeo, now in our 12th year in cyberspace.  Here we hope to keep you updated on the less mundane events in our lives as well as share our passions with you.  We are still working on continued improvements to the site as time allows.

For those of you who do not know us, here's a brief history: Stephanie is originally from Logan, Ohio in the Hocking Hills and Ron is from Willoughby Hills, a suburb on the east side of Cleveland.  We met at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio and are thus a "Miami Merger."  We've lived in Oak Park, Illinois outside of Chicago and Dublin, Ohio outside of Columbus before settling in Mansfield, Ohio which is halfway between Cleveland and Columbus along I-71.  Stephanie is a medical social worker with the Visiting Nurse Association and sings with the Mansfield Symphony Chorus.  Ron is an internal medicine physician with American Health Network in Mansfield.

Since we started dating in 1990, we've traveled to Walt Disney World (11 times!), Disneyland, and Disneyland Paris.  We've also been on a Disney Cruise.  Although we no longer have a Disney photo section, you will find many WDW pics in our Photo Gallery.  We hope you benefit from our experience and aren't overwhelmed by our fanaticism.  Our love of travel and Italian food and wine are also covered within this site.  But most importantly, we include what matters most to us: our family and friends.

Thanks for visiting and we hope you return often.  Ciao!


cameraThe Photo Gallery

Current through 3/5/09 including the birth of our nephew Aaron, Cleveland, Cincinnati and Christmas.

NanaNana's Red Sauce

We lost our beloved Nana in 2008.  You can help her live on by learning our family's not-so-secret recipe.

ChernabogChernabog Image Gallery

The oldest tribute site on the Internet to Disney's greatest villain!

Click for Mansfield, Ohio Forecast Miami Miami 200

Browns Wahoo


Our brick
This brick has been sitting in front of The Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World in Florida for more than thirteen years.  Perhaps you have stepped on it while exiting the ferry across Seven Seas Lagoon.  As you can see from the brick, we honeymooned at WDW.  You can find the exact location of our brick here and here or see an overhead view here.


It has been a long, hard winter here in Mansfield and we are looking forward to spring and better days ahead.  We recently returned from a wonderful stay in Los Angeles with the California Brandts.  The family time, the weather, the ocean (and Disneyland!) helped us to forget the stresses of the past couple of months.  We'll have many pics from that trip once we get them sorted.

Some day there will be a Taddeo family history section on this page.  We really need to create one since we continue to be contacted by Taddeos from around the world who ask, "Are we related?".  Here is some information that may help those of you who Googled our name.  Our Taddeo family is from the city of Cervinara in the province of Avellino near Napoli.  While there are many Taddeos from Cervinara out there that we are related to, we are not related to this one! :). 

As always, we thank you for visiting and hope you stop back often to check for updates.


Angelina Aliberti - Our niece's web site

Joey Aliberti - Our nephew's web site

Bodanzarama - Ron's cousin Victoria's blog

Cleveland Browns - time to start all over again!

Cleveland Indians - looking good in Goodyear

Cleveland Cavaliers - LeBron's gold medal appears to be inspiring the team to greatness this year!

Miami University - our college alma mater is 200 years old in 2009!

Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine - Ron's med school alma mater

Logan High School - Stephanie's high school alma mater

Hawken School - Ron's high school alma mater Urban Legend?  Hoax?  Check here before you believe anything you read in an email or on a web site

Broomball- the reason Ron had knee surgery...twice! - Learn about the sport or shop for equipment

Petersen's Old Fashioned Ice Cream - the best ice cream on the planet!

This page was last updated:
12 March, 2009

Hits since 15 October, 1997:

Mac rules!

©1997-2009 Ronald M. Taddeo, MD

Thanks for visiting! We would love to hear from you.
Especially all you other Taddeos from around the world who have found us.

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