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The Great Pyramid of the Giza
Do you really believe that such a great monument have been built by a bunch of slaves to serve as a "tomb" for the pharaohs

Visit this web site

Welcome to my world!
Did you ever ask yourself
Who are we and where do we come from?
Is the past of our planet is really as narrow
and limited as it is told by the modern science?
Or are there actually large portions of our history
which remain untold or mysterious.
Our "True Being":Do we possess a "Divine Power" that we can use
for healing,changing things for the good and progressing in life?

If these questions mean anything to you then you'll be interested
to read my story.I am sure you too have a story to tell whether
you do or not remember.
So I'll be very happy and interested to
hear back from you.Your point of view,your comments or maybe
your personal experience are most welcome.

The sphinx
Another great mystery on Earth.They say it is here as a witness for mankind.And the documents that it holds will reveal to us finally the secret of the pyramids, who built them and why.
Is it really a secret anymore?

click here to read My Story
