Dr. Paul P. Yeh
Paul P. Yeh, B.A.Sc, MSEE, Ph.D.

About Paul Pao Yeh
As an engineer, scientist, and educator, Dr. Yeh's main fields of interest are research and development on aircraft/missile stealth technology, avionic systems, electronic warfare, anti-submarine-warfare, and nuclear hardening. He participated in the research, development, design, analyses and improvement of the F-117 stealth aircraft, the F-22 fighter aircraft, the U2 and SR-71 reconnaissance aircraft. The Global Positioning System (GPS), the P-3 and S-3 Anti-submarine-warfare aircraft, and F-111 fighter aircraft.

Following initial studies at the National Central University in Nanking, China, Dr. Paul Pao Yeh travelled to Canada to complete his BASc at the University of Toronto in 1951. He continued his studies in the USA at the University of Pennsylvania where he gained his MSEE (1960) and his PhD (1966). During the 1950s and 1960s Dr. Yeh worked as a Sr. design engineer at the Canadian General Electric Company in Toronto and Guelph, H K Porter and ITE in Philadelphia, Kulman Electric in Detroit, Federal Pacific Electric in Newark, New Jersey, and supervisor at North American Rockwell in Anahiem, California. He also taught, as an assistant professor, at the State University of New York in Binghamton,as an associate professor at New Jersey Institue of Technology in Newark, New Jersey and as a part time professor at California State University in Long Beach, California.

In 1966 he joined North American Rockwell in Anaheim, California as Supervisor of Performance Analyses Section. He developed the Air-to-air Missile launch and Control Mechnization for the F-111 fighter/ bomber aircraft. In 1970 he went to Lockheed California Company as a Senior Research and Development Engineer.In 1978 Dr. Yeh started to work at the Lockheed Skunk Works on various advanced development projects such as F-117 and F-22 stealth aircraft, U-2 and SR-71 reconnaissance aircraft and other undisclosed programs. In between his Lockheed assignments he spent one year at the MacDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company (1972-73) worked on Missile Site Defence System and 5 years at The Aerospace Corporation (1973-1978) worked on GPS, AFSACOM, DSCS, and other Air Force projects. He retired from Lockheed Skunk Works and the Aerospace Corporation in 1989. Since 1989, Dr. Yeh has been Chief Scientist at the Advanced Systems Research Inc in Pasadena,California. During his career he has had many part-time appointments in universities and industries in USA and China as a professor, advisor, and consultant including Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Public Service Electric and Gas Company of New Jersey, H. K. Porter Corporation in Virginia and California State University at Long Beach, California

Dr. Yeh is a Visiting Professor of Tsinghua University and South China University of Science and Technology; Guest Chair Professor of Southeast University, Zhejiang University, WuYi University; Consulting Professor of Shanghai University, Northwestern Polytechnical University, and Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology; Chair Professor of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics; Honorary Professor of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and Zhejiang University of Science and Technology. He has published over 100 classified and unclassified book reports, articles and papers.

Dr. Yeh has received many honors for his work and is listed in Who's Who in America, Who's Who in the World, Who's Who in American Science and Engineering, Who's Who in Finance and Industry, Who's Who in the West, Who's Who in California, Asian Who? in America, Dictionary of International Biography (England) and One Thousand Great Americans (England). He is an Honorary Director of the Beijing Association for Science and Technology Exchange with Foreign Countries and an Honorary Advisor to the Zhejiang Science and Technology Exchange Center. The Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and the Zhejiang Unversity of Science and Technology have given him the title "Honorary Professor". Dr. Yeh has received an Achievement Award from the Lockheed-California Company on Anti-Submarine-Warfare Magnetic Anomaly Detection System Mechanization.

In the course of his career, Dr. Yeh has became involved with many professional organizations. He is a life Senior Member of the Institue of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Life member of the National Management Association, Life Member of the Chinese American Engineers/Scientists Association of Southern California (President 1969-71) and Life Member of the National Central University Alumni Association of Southern California (President 1978). He is also a member of the Association of Old Crows, the Air Force Association, the Naval Institute, the Association of US Army, the National Defence Industrial Association, as well as the Armed Force Electronics and Communications Association, the New York Academy of Science, and The Professional Engineers, Ontario, Canada.

Paul Pao Yeh was born in Song-Yang, Zhejiang, China on March 25, 1927. He is married to Beverley Pamela Eng of Victoria, B.C., Canada. They have three sons (Paul Edmond, Richard Alvin, and Ronald Timothy)and a daughter (Judith Elaine). In his leisure time, Dr. Yeh enjoys research on computer applications, travelling, sight-seeing, visiting historical sites, photography and gardening. He likes working on computers and Internet activities.

My Online Life
Favorite online areas including News items in English and Chinese. Reading interesting articles in the field of Engineering, Health, Music, Photogrphy, and current events.

My Interests
Technical analyses using computer programs. Hobbies including reading, traveling, gardening, music, and photography.

My Favorite Links
aol Hometown
Chinese Daily News
Arts and Paintings

Dr. Yeh and F-117A