Felix's Personal Details




What do you think my page? Well it's just the beginning!

Have a great time. Well it's holiday here!!!!!! Remember Have A Break, Have A Time To Look!

Thanks anyway, goodbye to everybody!!!!!!!


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As you visit this website, you are going to read my personal details. I don't want to talk much here, just read it!!

As you've come to this page, you want to know my details right? Before that, I'm gonna give ya my icq number :- 5808378.

Do you have my MSN? Here you go: fxgan86@hotmail.com .

Name Felix Gan Hua Sheng
Location Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Age 21 (2007)
Occupation Student
Eyes Colour Black
School SK. Taman Muda, SMK. Aminuddin Baki, Olympia College, INTI College, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Horoscope Aquarius
Male Singer Fan Josh Groban
Female Singer Fan Celine Dion
Favorite Idol Kelly Clarkson, Clay Aiken
Favourite Band The Feeling, Within Temptation
Favourite Musician Jim Brickman
Favorite Actor Robin Williams 
Favorite Actress Julia Roberts 
Favorite Instrument Piano, Flute & Guitar
Favorite Movies Titanic, The Lord Of The Rings, Sound of the Music, Back to the Future
Favorite TV Shows Scrubs, Friends, Fear Factors, TVB Drama Series
Favorite Jap Cartoons Final Fantasy Unlimited & Doraemon 
Favorite US Cartoons Loony Tunes series & Rugrats
Favorite Books Game magazines - especially with Final Fantasy on it
Favorite Foods Satay , Fried Chicken
Favorite Sports Swimming & Badminton 
Favorite PC Games Diablo II, Sim City 3000, The Sims Series, Red Alert 2 & all the Command & Conquer games
Favorite Console Games All RPG games, Tekken & all Final Fantasy series
Favorite Colour Blue
Hobbies Playing Chess, Collecting stamps, Malaysian coins, postcard, chatting and listening to the music
Ambitions Programmer, System Analyst, Website Designer, Accountant,  Businessman, DBKL ( haha )
MSN fxgan86@hotmail.com
Friendster felixwhoals@yahoo.com
Speech I hope that everybody will visit my page.

My Info

There are a lot of Hotel Reservations around Malaysia especially when you're going to the capital city of Malaysia - KUALA LUMPUR whereby there are a lot of buildings and shopping centers. Why don't you come here and see the view of the sea, historical building, the geographical , the weather and the foods? The food is delicious with Nyonya food, Malay food, Chinese food and Western food too. In some countries like USA, UK, Australia or Canada, you can't find foods at night but in Malaysia, they do. Come on to Malaysia. For more info, please go to this website, at http://www.bluehyppo.com.my or you can go to the nearest Malaysia Tourism branch office everywhere all around the world such as New York ( USA ), Los Angeles ( USA ), Ireland ( UK ) , London ( UK ) , France, Italy, Melbourne ( Australia ), Sydney ( Australia )and Perth ( Australia ), and Toronto ( Canada ).

What is satay? Satay is a malay food. These food you can only get it at night or between 6pm - 11pm whereby the chicken or mutton will put it in a stick a long stick and they'll make BBQ with it. Try and experience it. In Malaysia, the hot & spicy food is the best. In Malaysia there are a lot of places such as Ipoh, Kota Bharu, Kuching and Kota Kinabalu. Hot places? We've. Snow places? We've. Everything we've here. It's just that the climate here is just a little bit hotter. Well, if you can, please come here!! I'm sure most of you like the sunlight here, right? Well, we've at least 8 hours or sunlight everyday!


You've suggestion? Well, if you don't mind, please send them to my new e-mail :- felixwhoals@yahoo.com . Thank you very much!!!


Words Language
Non Pas Moi French
Buenas Dias Spanish
Buona Giornata Italino
Einen Schonen Tag Noch Deutsh
Priytanago Dnya Russian
Yoi Ichinichiwo Japanese
Selamat Bergembira Malaysian
Have A Nice Day English

© Copyright 1998 - 2007 Felix Gan Hua Sheng

Updated since :- 9th January 2007