
             Labas                                                      Hello

Touring TasmaniaWestern Australia

The idea of this page is to give people an insight into travelling across and living in Australia through the eyes of a Lithuanian immigrant who has grown up in this
The NullarborVictoriacountry, also, I wish to give people a glimpse of my homeland, it's history and culture.

FishingSportThese links will lead you through our most recent holiday to Geelong and our 4th trip to Tasmania, where we indulged in our favourite pastime, that is fishing, fly fishing for trout, and beach fishing forLithuanian LinksAbout Me

other species.

I hope you enjoy my website. Any questions or comments please forward to this e-mail address -


About Me ||  Lithuanian Links   ||  Travelling Across The Nullarbor
Touring Tasmania || Trout Fishing in Tasmania || Western Australia || Victoria
June's Page || Mark's Page