My Calgary 

Hi, my name is Carole and welcome to my Calgary.
Calgary is located in the foothills of the Rocky
Mountains and has to be the most beautiful city in Canada. We are located in the province
of Alberta. If you look west you see the Rockys, if you look east you see the
prairie. To the south lies America (about 2 1/2 hours) and of course to the North are the
Polar bears.
We are a population of 900,000 . We are a mixture of
people. We are young and we are old. We are sophisticated and we are plain. We are cowboys
and oil barons. We are high tech and some of the worlds largest corporations call
Calgary home. But most of all, we like each other and we like company. So come with me. it
is my intention to show you my Calgary and when we are finished, perhaps you shall love it
as much as me.
My City
The Early Years (Index)
My Guestbook
My Guestbook
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